Two men in brown suits and hats stand against a brown background and the words "you can't polish a nerd" in script font above

Nerds and Music

Nerds & Music are two Newcastle word-nerds delivering quirky satire in the form of original songs.

Two bald white men in brown suits stand underneath large white letters "Nerds & Music", with two hats floating in the air above

Nerds & Music consists of two poetry-loving cyborgs cheaply assembled in a Newcastle shed. Clark Gormley is well known in poetry circles, having previously published his own volume Not What You Think*. Wayne Thompson is a typographer with misguided dreams of guitar stardom. As Nerds & Music, they deliver quirky satire coated in eccentric harmonies. Audiences will be mildly bemused by their weirdness, witticisms, wordplay, alliteration, and use of the Oxford Comma.

Nerds and Music

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