
Martin Kent

Martin Kent lives at Lake Macquarie. His paintings appear in Paris Light: A Personal Plan de Paris, a collaborative work with his wife, the poet Jean Kent.

A photograph of a bald man with a bushy gray beard standing tilted away from the camera in a thick jacket

Martin Kent grew up in Brisbane, and currently lives at Lake Macquarie, NSW. After completing a BSc and Dip Ed, followed by a Diploma of Art (Alexander Mackie CAE), he worked as a physics and computing teacher in TAFE for 30 years. Now that he has retired, Martin photographs and draws wherever he goes, and enjoys creating hybrid art constructions. His artwork has been exhibited at MAC yapang, Museum of Art and Culture, Lake Macquarie. His paintings have also been published in Paris in my Pocket (Jean Kent, Pitt Street Poetry, 2016) and will appear in Paris Light: A Personal Plan de Paris (Jean Kent and Martin Kent, PSP, 2024).

Martin Kent

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