A black book cover with a detailed white illustrtion of creatures, a circle of light, and a girl sitting and holding a flower

Jerry Ray

Jerry Ray is a multi-disciplinary storyteller, artist and creative writing teacher. His first book of short illustrated stories Lonely Beasts was published in 2021.

A young white man with a moustache, nose and ear piercings and red beanie leans over a yellow desk and smiles

Jerry Ray is a multi-disciplinary storyteller and artist working between illustration, creative writing, music and performance. From producing original theatre and a range of comedy events to helping young people express themselves and find their voices in writing, drama and visual arts; the ultimate goal for all his work is to foster real community and make everyone feel included in a meaningful way. Jerry is one of Newcastle Writer’s Festival’s Story Hunter Guides. His first book of short illustrated stories, Lonely Beasts, was published in 2021.

Jerry Ray

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