A book cover featuring dark red flowers and blue-gray leaves against a black background and the title in large white letters above

Ashley Kalagian Blunt

Ashley Kalagian Blunt is the bestselling author of Dark Mode, an internationally published psychological thriller. Her earlier books are How to Be Australian and My Name Is Revenge.

A head and shoulders photograph of a white woman with shoulder-length wavy brown hair partially obscuring er face as she smiles at the camera

Ashley Kalagian Blunt is the bestselling author of Dark Mode, an internationally published psychological thriller. Her earlier books are How to Be Australian, a memoir, and My Name Is Revenge, collected fiction and essays, which was a finalist in the 2018 Carmel Bird Digital Literary Award. Her writing appears in the Sydney Morning Herald, Overland, Griffith Review, Sydney Review of Books, Australian Book Review, Kill Your Darlings and more. Ashley co-hosts James and Ashley Stay at Home, a podcast about writing, creativity and health, and teaches creative writing. Originally from Canada, she has lived and worked in South Korea, Peru and Mexico.

Ashley Kalagian Blunt

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